Boywhore Rater

Rating boywhores for boywhore connoisseurs

What is a Boywhore?

A Boywhore is a young boy who hits the sweet spot between innocent looks and mature mind, unassuming vulnerability and sexual availability...
Will he let you use him and then toss him? Does he dress suggestively? Is he primed and promiscuous? These are some of the most important and wanted traits of a boywhore.

What are the boywhore submission rules?

  • Boywhores have to be fictional! No real boys

  • NO characters whose only depiction was done by child actors

  • Unsure if your boywhore has been rated? Search "from:boywhorerater boywhorename" on Twitter to find out!

  • If you submit a boywhore when submissions are closed, your ask will be deleted!

  • Finally: submit some boywhores for me to rate! (CuriousCat submissions only)


( Made with Carrd )